>>9524196….Weeeellllll, seems like there’s not much of a choice now is there? Leeet’s get out a little list and run things down. AH! Bubblegum Crisis! Definitely a crisis BECAUSE WHERE’S THE BUBBLEGUM!? Seriously-wherethefuckarethey? Desert Heat, that little shindig, remember that? Please, Sola Fire can’t even breathe without going back to intensive care! The Rainbow Pigtail Whores? The only thing that THEY are tag teaming is each other’s SPIT AND SEMEN! The Mega….N-N-Neckyourselves? Again, literally who and where!?
Perhaps the Dojo, failure that it is, can offer something?
>PFFFFFFFFFT, Cammie really? REEEEEELLLLLLLLY!? Really? Have you seen this “graduating” class? Look at this, Holly Hopped-up-on-Roids, Ranger Faggot, Amy Flamed Out, oh and don’t forget “Squandered Potential”! AKA out little comrade who I’m sure you’ve ALLLL forgotten about. Grave mistake Karna, GRAAAAVE mistake! HEHEHEHehehe, and people legit lump us in with those actual ‘tards!Well…maybe for every pedophile in this building, not all hope is lost…For I’m sure our “beloved” World Champion can pull some strings, pay off a couple officials, and have them fast count her little rag-tag group of lesbians to the titles…
>And then what, hold every title hostage!? Say we’re done wrestling now but we cannot drop anything because it will ruin our reputation!? We’re the new Telebubbles or whatever the fuck those were called!? Huuuuug and kissssss and- …play fucking video games all day.
>And go on tea parties and get rid of the fuckin’ meeeeanies because they hurt our fee-fees-BULLLLLLSHIT! Not an option as long as we’re here!