Quoted By:
>on one of those back country roads
>1 lane in either direction
>stuck behind some semi for like 30 mins, seriously a train of cars behind me
>i can't pass because there's way too much oncoming traffic
>finally say fuck it, make the pass attempt
>very obvious the oncoming car is way too fast, no fucking way I'm gonna make it
>try to get back behind truck
>the dickhead behind me moved up and now there's no room
>split second swerve off to the left, off the road
>do a full spin out on gravel, end up with my driver's door right in the oncoming lane
>the pickup truck that would've t-boned me swerves off to the far right (behind me now), crashes into some brushes and shit
>finally oncoming traffic is stopped
if that truck had just t-boned me I'd be dead