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>Jake Roberts used to snort coke off the back of Damian his python.
>One time while snorting the coke, Damian turned around and bit Jake resulting in Jake throwing the python off the second story balcony of his hotel.
>The python was never found despite several wrestlers looking for it for hours.
>Jake had to legit travel and take care of the python from town to town. On several occasions the python passed away due to neglect and WWF had to get Jake a new python.
>While traveling with a few of the wrestlers during the winter, Jake pissed his pants in the back seat of their rental car. The other wrestlers threw Jake and his bags, including Damian, out of the car. Jake passed out on the side of the road in a drug and alcohol induced state for hours until a sheriff saw him. By the time Jake got to the hotel, Damian was frozen solid and dead.