>>5597209Not to give you the Batista talks about the shitty Japanese steakhouse meme, but brother, I say this with the utmost sincerity. Listen to yourself: can’t you recognize the dopefiend in you talking and giving yourself reasons to not get clean? You don’t like the taste? It tastes like gross Tang so what? The Astronauts drank that shit and they pretended to goto the moon. Do you know the relapse rate of people who don’t take the medicine? I don’t even want to say it out loud and curse you, but you know it’s depressingly low. That’s typical dope head excuse making.
>I don’t like the taste>it makes my tummy hurt.> I’ll quit cold turkey swear I just need some time. Luckily you’re taking accurate doses of prescription medicine to get high so you’re probably not going to die (yet) you’re just going to let it control your life. But you start fucking with what they call Heroin these days…which is just fentanyl and has no heroin in it and you’re going to die. I don’t wanna shit on you, because I’ve been you, so I recognize the gimmick. When you’re ready and you’ve wrecked your life enough, do the smart thing and take the medicine. If you were a juvenile diabetic you’d take insulin and not whine about how you hate giving yourself an injection every morning and taking your blood sugar. If you give that medicine a month, if you take a correct dosage supervised by a Dr. on an intake visit, after a month you will not even think about opiates. Yes, you’re still taking a synthetic opioid, but one you can’t abuse because it plateaus at about 32mg. Yes you have to see a Dr. every month (I haven’t been to an office since Covid started, all telemedicine) and yes you have to have a shitty Orange taste in your mouth for 5 minutes, but you’ll never have to have a mind consumed by that black hole pull of opiates. It just fades away. Cold turkey? You’ll never stop thinking of it even if you manage to hopefully get clean.