Quoted By:
SRS' predictions:
>Vince will not return to WWE
>"Crazy WWE findings" via Discovery process from various litigation WWE is facing
>New AEW titles (he mentioned the possibility of AEW Women Tag titles and I know for a certainty they are coming)
>10-15 more additions to the WWE main roster (not NXT call-ups)
>A bigger Forbidden Door with AEW/ROH, New Japan, Impact, AAA and/or CMLL (mentioned MLW as well). He thought there was an opportunity of WWE being part of the Forbidden Door before their contract tampering. He seems hopeful of WWE/AEW/New Japan (but could be false hope)
>Biggest video game year in wrestling in decades
Denise's predictions:
>Vince forces sale of WWE (SRS believes this is likely as Vince stands to make a ton of $$$ from the next TV deal)
>Kenny vs. Punk happens in AEW (SRS did not shoot this down at all and was very much hoping these guys realize the $$$ they can make off this)
>Goldberg AEW debut
>Okada wrestles in WWE (SRS said she was high)
>Dustin Rhodes is the last NWA World Champ and goes out of business
>Shane McMahon debuts in AEW (SRS tells a story of how Vince said Shane would never get another pop so long as he was alive after Shane's hissyfits at the 2022 RR and SRS thinks Denise's prediction could come true if things get really petty between WWE/AEW)