Quoted By:
[AEW is in Chicago, the hometown of CM Punk. On the previous week's edition, in Cleveland, Jon Moxley defeated Punk in 3:10 in a title unification match. Now Moxley stands in the ring, microphone in hand, as the crowd chants 'CM Punk']
>"Jon Moxley: "Chicago, I know that you love your boy, but I think they're still mopping him up off the mat in Cleveland. But hey, you wanna talk about it? Let's talk about it. I once heard CM Punk described years ago as the modern sixty-minute man. What a load of crap that turned out to be, huh? I mean, I had fifty-seven minutes left in me last week, Punk - did you? I don't think so. See, when guys get in the ring with me - the undisputed AEW World Champion, the heart and soul of AEW - we find out what they're really made of. I test them. I push them. And last week we learned exactly what CM Punk is made of. At the moment where he hit me as hard as he could, he gave me his best shots and he realized...I didn't care. And he knew I was just gonna keep coming forward, and keep coming forward all night. At that exact moment, he started looking for a way out. It's true. I'm sorry. He started looking for a way out. 'Ohhh, my foot hurt!' He FOLDED! And he curled up into a little ball to die, and he FOLDED!"
>"Champions never fold. Look, you have no idea how genuinely sorry I am that CM Punk just didn't turn out to be what you wanted him to be. He didn't turn out to be what any of us wanted him to be, when we welcomed him back into this business, gave him a second chance in the greatest sport in the world. It just. Didn't. Work out. And while I am truly sorry for that - I know he's your boy, I know he's from Chicago and you love him - I have zero sympathy for CM Punk.
And that is because CM Punk: Fragile ego, fragile body, weak mind, weak spirit."