>>10973550Stopped getting pirated didn't they? That's at least a big part of it I reckon. The way the distribution of shows changed messed it up. A few years ago it was simple, the big show of the month was on nicopro or you would get the rare show on SamuraiTV. It was easy to follow and keep track of. Then you just have the fact that both them are in doldrums and people aren't watching them because the quality isn't there any more. Same story for all the joshi promotions more or less.
I can count on one hand the number of Ice Ribbon matches I've seen since the show where Tsukushi retired/Tsukka left. They went from having one of the biggest rosters with depth from top to bottom to having a completely bare bones line-up they have to pad out with JTO wrestlers or the same freelancers you see on everybody else's show. Now the main shows are hard to distinguish from the dojo shows. YuuRi as champion, a 2 year career rookie with less than 200 matches. No thanks.
I've not watched WAVE since Nagisa vs Miyuki back in early 2022 (might have been their feud back in 2020 even, I don't know at this point) but looking at the cards and the names on them there is nothing that stands out. Lots of good hands but there is no stars or must see matches from what I can tell. The cards are like a Frankenstein's monster of Color's/Prominence/wrestlers I can see having better matches in Senjo, OZ or SEAd.