>>9766912Shogun, recovering from Sapphire's headbutt, comes to, slowly standing up...only to see that Nikki Kade's entered, the Divine Angels setting up a message of brutality.
>HOPE-AGAIN-SAN!>Nonononono...!Shogun does her best to get back into the ring, but stumbles over herself, still weak from the fight. She manages to get to the apron right as Nikki lands the Kade Krusher. She looks at Holly, aghast. Paralyzed. Everything in her wants her to fight...but doing that now is paramount to suicide.
As Nikki Kade cackles and leaves the ring with her posse, Shogun immediately comes to Holly's side, checking on her. It's bad.
She shouts to a referee:
>彼女に医療処置を施してください!>She needs help! Get a medic!Seeing as Shogun's not exactly a doctor, she's got one last course of action. Watching the Divine Angels go up the ramp, she shouts after them:
>TO HELL WITH ALL OF YOU!>THE DIVINE ANGELS WILL BURN!>(Will they, though? You couldn't even handle the cheerleading harlot and her streamer friend.)>娼婦どもを真っ二つにしてやる!!>(Now THAT has some oomph in it. Now give them a battle cry. In English, so they know every word.)Shogun gnashes her teeth. For lack of a more artistic thought in her head:
>Ffffff...>FUCK.>YOU.>PRISICILLA.>DIVINEEEEEEEEEEEE!!>(HAH! You'll need some more training before you're ready for HER, girl. The cheerleader and the orange one first.)>(Righting wrongs is the bushido code, no? Headbutt for headbutt. Stomp for stomp. ...pin for pin, lest we forget the Saiyan.)>(Regroup. Restrategize. The loudmouth's awoken.)>Ah...!>>9767365Holly's come to. At least there's that. Shogun looks into her glazed eyes, concerned.
>Hah...we...we still haven't had our match, have we? Haha...>...sorry that I let you down.>Your disappointment in me might have been right, at least after THIS match...but it won't be for long. I...I promise I'll live up to your expectations...Shogun scoops Holly up, tears in her eyes, assisting her towards WWA medical personnel...