Quoted By:
>put Angle over for his first WWF title
>allowed Benoit to have 2 false finishes to win the WWF title over him (probably would have been happy to drop it to him if the plan wasn't to drop it to Angle instead)
>put Jericho over for his first World title
>put Brock over for his first WWE title
>jobbed to Goldberg to establish his star in WWE
>jobbed to Austin and HHH in nearly every single big 1-v-1 match he had with either of them
>was basically a main event jobber his entire original run
>jobbed in the main event of 3 WMs in a row, the latter two in humiliation ritual kwab fashion
>STILL in the conversation for GOAT along with Austin and Hogan, despite never having the superman protected booking that each of them had
>never had a long title reign like either of them had, his longest was 4 months. The others were 7 weeks, 1 week, 6 weeks, 3 weeks, 5 weeks, 5 weeks and 7 weeks. His 'WCW'/'World' title reigns were 7 weeks and 5 weeks.
How did he do it? Based Rocky