>>16228810You are wrong. Mercedes Moné isn't a draw. It was the WWE machine that made her over. She is talentless. She can't talk. She can't wrestle. She is good enough of a wrestler to be carried by a good wrestler. She got very lucky in WWE coming up when she did because she got to wrestle with some of the best female athletes that wrestling has seen. And because Bayley, Charlotte, and Becky among others were so good they carried her. She by proxy got labeled a four horsewoman through pure luck because she hadn't been exposed. She's only as good as her opponent is.
It's why all of her matches in AEW have been unwatchable trash and then Stephanie came along and forced her into a good match. Naturally WWE is well aware of of Moné's need to be carried. And this it put a huge HIRE ME NOW sign on Vaquer because they know how hard it is to make Moné actually wrestle a good match. It shows them that Vaquer is a ringleader capable of carrying people to good matches.