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Who do they think they're fooling?
>Julia (30) of the women's professional wrestling company "Stardom" is leaving the company at the end of March, and her departure is already attracting attention. A battle has already broken out in the industry. The possibility of entering the world's largest professional wrestling organization, the U.S.-based WWE, has been raised, and the reaction of Rossy Ogawa (66), who is considered a strong candidate to join the WWE, has been questioned.
>One of the most likely new destinations for Julia after her departure from Stardom is to join the new organization that Mr. Ogawa plans to launch, as it was Mr. Ogawa who led Julia to become a star after she transferred from Ice Ribbon to Stardom in November 2019, and Julia has full confidence in him.
>Mr. Ogawa was removed as executive producer of Stardom on February 4 because of his actions in recruiting Stardom's athletes and staff. Mr. Ogawa has denied any attempts to recruit, but has admitted that he is seeking to start a new organization.
>When interviewed on February 27, Mr. Ogawa was asked, "Are you working on launching a new organization?" He replied, "I'm living a slow life right now. On the other day, he made a surprise appearance at a talk event held in Tokyo on the 22nd. This was the last time she appeared in public.
>As for the possibility of Julia joining him after she leaves the company, he simply commented, "I always do not reject those who come and do not chase those who leave.
>In addition to this, as the possibility of entering the U.S. WWE has emerged, other domestic organizations are also keeping a close eye on Julia's movements. A women's professional wrestling official commented, "She's such a well-known and accomplished fighter. All of them want her so badly they can't wait to get her. If she hasn't decided what to do after leaving Stardom, we would like to make her an offer. Who will win the "Battle for Julia"?