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>[Sola Fire’s music hits and she heads to the ring with a spring in her step. She grabs a mic, and wastes no time in getting to her promo]:
“Waifumaniacs, welcome to WWA 145! We’ve just finished that Rookie Cup, and yes, your main squeeze Sola Fire was hoping to be part of it. I had a lot of plans of beating some sense into – you know what? I’ll get to that another time. Because you know how this stuff works: sometimes you don’t get what you want, at least not straight away. And what a great segue that makes, because what I want right now is a match with Cassie Kade. I called her out for her treatment of me at Waifus Collide, and do you know what I heard in reply? A big load of nothing.”
“But now I hear through the grapevine that she wants Robyn McDaid to do her dirty work for her? Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve got no issues with Robyn McDaid. She’s another newcomer just like me, but in my slightly longer tenure here I’ve noticed one thing for certain: Cassie has never cared about getting her hands dirty, so forgive me if I don't understand this move. I don’t mind who it is that wants to have a little chat with Sola Fire, but Robyn or Cassie, I’m here when you are.”