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Eh, the blade job wasn't a big issue. Kingston took enough bumps on his bare chest and back to even things out. Plus I don't even recall there being a spot that would have justified him blading, most of the offense he took was targeted towards his body. At most there was the codebreaker spot but they fucked that up royally and Jericho actually ended up being the one who ate the chair.
The biggest takeaway I got from this trainwreck is that Kingston does not work well in overly produced or intricate spots. He either gets visibly frustrated when things go wrong, or he's well aware in the moment of how stupid it all looks. Its been like that his whole career, 90% of the time he's been fired from a company its because he's blown-up during or after a stupid angle.
That being said Kingston will be fine after all of his but they definitely need to keep him away from big, spectacle matches. Frankly he doesn't need to be in any of them in the first place. Kingston is one of the most organic wrestlers on the roster. Just pair him off with someone, he'll get the feud over on the mike, they'll have a decent and psychological babyface vs heel match, and maybe cap it all off with a straight forward gimmick. That's all you need at the end of the day.