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Let me strip this down for you, everything you experience, every institution you trust, every interaction you have, it’s all pro wrestling.
We live in a world of faces and heels, heroes and villains cast not by their actions, but by who controls the story. Your boss, your ex, that politician you hate, they’re just working their gimmick.
What you call "reality" is kayfabe, a fragile illusion everyone agrees to believe so the show can go on. Every argument, every viral scandal, every public meltdown is just another promo, cutting heat or popping the crowd.
Even you, the person you pretend to be online, at work, with your family, is just a gimmick you’re working to get over. And the moments you slip, the times your real self breaks through, that’s a shoot, and even then, someone’s turning it into content.
There is no "real" life behind the curtain, there’s only the work, the angle, the reaction. You’re not a person, you’re a spot on the card, trying to hold onto your push before the next angle starts.
At the end of the day, everything is pro wrestling.
The only question is, Are you working the gimmick, or is the gimmick working you?