Quoted By:
>instead of interfering later in the match, Jimmy and Solo flank Roman and Heyman and are allowed ringside
>standard match to begin
>things heat up as Roman gets some cheap heat by doing a nut shot, eye gouge, etc when the ref isn't looking
>Cody begins the comebacks of all comebacks
>just as he goes to his finish, Jimmy and Solo start their interference
>Just as they start, all of Cody's previous feuds take out Jimmy/Solo
>Nakamura sprays Jimmy with the mist
>Seth "Freakin" Rollins super kicks Solo
>Heyman is the only one left, but he knows Roman is about to lose
>He tries to distract the ref, but then Brock comes out and F5s Heyman
>the bloodline is no more
>all of Cody's opponents in a sign of respect let him finish his story
>Cross Rhodes x 3
>1, 2, 3