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>1.26 #STARDOM Two-shot photo session
>A two-shot with White Tiger #SLK athlete, who looks great in her shiny new white belt and sparkly pink miniskirt dress that exudes a girly vibe
>When I met Byakko-san, he proudly showed me the trophy. I said, "Congratulations! It's amazing that you won it a second time!" He replied with a pleased smile, "Isn't this the first time someone has won it twice?" ⤴
>"If I win this again next year, I'll be inducted into the Hall of Fame!" After saying that, the first photo was taken with the trophy in the middle. Kicchan looked really happy receiving this token of love from the fans
>The second photo is of her pose with the We are STARDOM!! pose that closed the 1.23 anniversary of the group's launch. I was overwhelmed by her growth, to the point where she was able to lead the closing chant at the anniversary event in Shinkiba, the birthplace of ( #スターダム
>At the end, when I was struggling with what pose to do, Kicchan suggested, "Why don't we do the gal peace?" When I asked, "Is it okay for a guy with a beard like me to do that...?" he replied with a smile, "Of course, of course!"
>Although Kicchan was such a kind person, as we were leaving, she suddenly bombarded me with questions
> "By the way, who did you vote for for the SHINING Award?"
> “Umm… a player whose name starts with ‘I’…”
> "Yes, thank you very much!"
>The group was forced to close and was dissolved
>I thought, "That's a cruel question..." but I also felt that I had to support her so that her feelings for Kicchan could be properly conveyed