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I'm throwing you a bone here. Book this over the course of a year and your ratings will improve.Samoa Joe is your current champion but you're booking him like an afterthought. You need to make him feel like the Big Bad on AEW. Give him a stable (Something akin to the Nation of Violence Moniker), Give him big muscle guys like Big Cass and Lance archer who aren't doing shit and have them be his lackeys.
>Have Joe go over swerve via debut of his faction
>Next night on dynamite, He beats down Ospreay with his crew, covered in blood like a pitbull in a kindergarden class and cuts a promo on how he's putting out a bounty on all AEW champions. give him some "Survive if you can" type Tazz catchphrase
>Over the course of a few weeks the aew is upended in chaos as each wrestler is trying to cash out on huge bounties on Champs like Edge or whoever you choose to pick as your tag champs
>During these weeks Joe has donned a Samoan themed Black Mask new look and is essentially the Samoan Kingpin of AEW
>Eventually build up to have Ospreay get his revenge a year later and dethrone him
Thats off the top of my head, but you need to give your biggest signing and your champ a goddamn storyline outside of "lol swerve" and "Lol da grind"