's music hits.
She comes out to the top of the ramp and does a short dance alongside her music.
As the music cuts she continues to sing.
>Whoa-oa-oa>Yay-YAY>Gyary is here eveleebody!>She was the inbada!>Eben been practice my engurish for beingu here!Putting two fingers she leans forward with wink and a smile.
>I try my best at Onsen, but come up short.>Sorry Shogun, it was an honor to fight with you.People start to notice that Gyary has something in her hand.
>You see ebeleeone, back when I was Idol back in Japaan.>I used to get fanmail from many boys and girls.>But one girl wrote so well and with such passion, we start to talk back and forth through lettas.She holds up the thing in her hand, it is a photograph.