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When I was high school / college age I used to love going to shows. I would go to my local indie (NYWC - where Zack Ryder, Curt Hawkins, Trent aka Plazma, Tony Nese, John Silver, and Alex Reynolds all got started) and WWE shows regularly. I was at ECW ONS when RVD won, the 08 Rumble when Cena returned and won(funny backstory- I knew R-Truth was re-signed and when I saw the Cena's bling bling chain in the screen for #30 for a split second I assumed it was R-Truth and got very excited then immediately very disappointed), Survivor Series when Rock and Cena teamed, a few Raws, at least one SD and house show, and a Fatal 4way ppv which was actually a fun show. Then I went to WM 29 (Rock Cena 2) and it was so bad I haven't been to any wrestling show since then.
I did actually have tickets to the TLC in Brooklyn for The Shield''s debut match but I sold them because I couldn't find anyone to go with (that's what happens when you're an adult, your peers don't have much interest in attending staged fighting shows with you anymore). I almost went to AEW worlds end because of intrigue in the devil story and Sting in person but then I remembered Sting is old as shit and AEW panders to trannies and niggers so I refuse to spend any money on them, plus I realized there is no longer any allure of "being there" for me, I can watch it on tv (although I didn't because again, the aspect of spending money on them)