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serious discussion.
CM Punk
>good spots, but caused unequivocal damage to AEWs good guy image, that everyone's best friends there & exposed it for being a shit show. exposed tony for not knowing how to mange talent nor capitalize when hot instead putting himself above all else
Kenny Omega
>half-baked title reign, somewhat entertaining feuds but didn't reach the highs people expected. feels like after 4 years tony bought broken goods.
Bryan Danielson
>speaking of broken goods; bryan has put on some great matches, but unremarkable feuds? & already on his retirement tour. very much a cameo & not integral.
Chris Jericho
>good value, strong start as the ace but there's only so much a 50+ year old can add before getting super stale which where we are now.
>great value, took over as the ace until he got lost in faction nonsense. bleeds for fun, not at his highest point right now
>as much you can expect, having a fulfilling retirement career at AEW which I'm sure himself & fans are grateful for. bringing in ric flair for this is questionable.
>fantastic acquisition, got himself into this position as we know he would
>3 years too late. collecting a cheque