Alright, we're going on a bit of detour, but here's some fun DG stuff.
>>12658553>T-Hawk works as Tomahawk T.T.>In Blood Warriors unit>Another wrestler, Naoki Tanizaki also in BW and is part of the trio holding the Triangle Gate titles>Naoki Tanizaki get's injured, BW needs to vacate the titles>BW says that he has returned from injury>Naoki Tanisaki appears (make note of the "s" instead of a "z" in the last name), T-Hawk with original Tanizaki's outfit, tattoos (drawn on) and moveset>BW gets to keep the Triangle Gate titles, Tanisaki keeps up the pretense until Tanizaki returns 6 months later and they feud over the Triangle Gate titles and, more importantly, who gets the rights to the name