>>10345590Official Video Statement from the Office of Colby Jefferson:
>"I've studied the sport of wrestling since I was a young girl, and personally own and have probably in my life watched over one thousand two hundred of hours of footage from territories all around the world as well as companies operating on a national or global level. In so doing, where footage exists, I've studied the lineage and seen most of the title changes of virtually every world championship within the past forty years. I have seen success and failure throughout history in the world of wrestling, and I know it when I see it.">"As a wrestler for the Waifu Wrestling Alliance, I believe we are all best served by having a champion who will draw money, sell tickets, and represent our company with honor and dignity. It's becoming abundantly clear that Skelly Skelly is not that champion. It is time for her to lay down the Golden Burden.">"She may be a nice person. We don't need a nice person right now. We need a champion who commands respect, draws money, and grows our business.">"With Skelly Skelly as champion, the Dojo and Hobopolis burn. Peaceful protests are attacked by domestic terrorists. And wrestlers have to literally fight their way into the offices and violently accost the interns just to get booked. When examined at from ANY angle, the WWA is in DECLINE, and the deficiency begins at the top." >"The WWA cries out for inspiration, and we get childish frolicking and frivolity.">"We ask for heroes, and we get a ragtag group of children, failures, pranksters, and absentees.">"We ask for reforms, and we get a shrug and the words 'Skelly didn't ask.'">"We ask for a main event on a show that will put money in ALL our pockets, and we get SILENCE.">"We need to ask for better.">"I, Colby Jefferson, speaking in my official capacity as an active wrestler in the Waifu Wrestling Alliance, endorse Priscilla Divine as challenger for the WWA World Championship at Onsen a Lifetime."