>>11346029>>11346260I will now recap a segment I'll never forget for maybe reaching peak "WWE babyface".
>Mark Henry in the ring challenging people to a tug of war>Because he's the World's Strongest Man, he easily beats some bigger guys like Brodus Clay>Sheamus comes out to accept the challenge>Henry beats him, because again, World's Strongest Man.>Triumphant Henry is leaving when Sheamus DEMANDS an immediate rematch>Henry refuses because he already beat him, he's got nothing to prove to Sheamus.>Sheamus says if he doesn't take a rematch right now he must be SCARED (of what is uncertain, given Sheamus just lost to him)>Henry humors him and takes the rematch>After they start the tug of war, Sheamus deliberately lets go of the rope so Henry stumbles >Brogue Kicks the surprised Henry>Raises his hands for the expected crowd pop while Lawler praises him So Sheamus lost, legitimately, whined for a rematch, then throws out the contest he can't win and attacks his opponent unprovoked with a cheap shot. He was allegedly the babyface here.