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Gotta say, I don't think I've ever seen a masculine, alpha male speak out against Trump. It's always beta zoomers, niggers, faggots, LGBTQ, cucks, brown people, Muslims, spics, women, etc. Anyone else notice this? Pretty pathetic, the company that anti-Trumpers hold. I'm honestly quite astonished that these men aren't embarrassed to speak out against him. I suppose this is the result of decades of women being allowed to vote, which then brought upon us many waves of feminism, which resulted in boys being raised into believing that not being pussy whipped by women is bad?
No, instead, they'd rather support Biden, who actively supports people who hate straight, white, masculine men. Really makes you think. Really makes you ponder.
Pretty cringe. What are we gonna do about all these fags and beta limpwristed low-test sorry excuses for numales, /pw/?