My goodness, another fantastic tag team bout in the quickly rising division.
But now, we turn our attention to the upcoming Hardcore Championship situation!
Ladies and gentlemen, there is only one spot remaining for entry into the Cactus Jane Hardcore Clusterfork, and we are going to determine that entrant right now! In one corner, the competitor who has suffered quite a lot in the last few weeks, from almost losing friends to losing her memories, and almost her life -- it’s Keron Croakie! Croakie makes her debut in the hardcore division and, well... I can’t say I envy her.
Because her opponent will be none other than the new and improved, upgraded to V3_Mk.92, Artificial Waifu! AW still wants to get her hands on Minnie Moo, but there is no harm in putting her hands all over the mini Frog first, right? A new colour scheme, a new firmware upgrade and a new set of dangerous skills promise this to be a brutal contest for all involved.
There’s the bell, it’s time to find out who is going to the Clusterfork!