>>9108310The /pw/ discord isn't secret nor are there multiple ones. The only /pw/ discord is the fucking 4chan cup discord or some shit. They stay in it and are responsible for the shitty memes posted on this board and they take pride in it. They are proven to be behind the countless Kevin Nash rape spam but their ultimate goal with these threads is to rid the board of Joshi threads. They spam rape threads so Wolfie can do their job for them and slide the entire board burying Joshi threads in the process while sadly also destroying any other potential new meme aswell so the only memes that get over anymore are memes they orchestrate and spam. They are also responsible for most if not all of the cuck posting in waifu threads and the Iyo general aswell as most of the twitter screencaps. They are pathetic scum more sad than any waifu or console war poster on the board. They spam garbage and go off in their circlejerk discord to laugh like hyenas about how they worked the board yet again. An honestly depressing existence.