>>7431409>Hogan is a racistTo a degree yes, but he's worked with many black people in the past who had nothing but good things to say about him. Outdated views on interracial marriage doesn't mean he detests all minorities
>Vince McMahon is a rapistAbsolutely
>Steve Austin beats womenYeah. But it's been twenty years since then and even Debra has moved on and forgiven him
>HHH forced Hemme to abortHeadcanon
>Shawn Michaels hates gaysHeadcanon
>Brock Lesnar hates gaysThis is true
>Chris Jericho married a racistShe's moderately conservative but not racist.
>Chris Benoit killed wife & sonYes
>Undertaker is MAGAMillions voted for Trump. At the very worst you can say he's misguided for it
>John Cena supports ChinaProbably doesn't deep down but he loves money too much to admit that
>Goldberg supports IsrealThis is true
>Mick Foley had sex with 15yoBaseless slander spread by a clout chasing thot