Quoted By:
Meanwhile, sitting somewhere in the middle of a crop circle of Corn.
>Where am I?
>Last thing I remember was I was in the ring, taunting Oni and Shogun to come fight, and...
>now i'm... where ever here is?
*Sapphire pulls out her phone to look up where she might be on the GPS. No bars. No wifi. Nothing. She stands up looking around, nothing but corn stalks for miles*
>Okay, don't panic. I just have to find a road, then I can follow it into town. There will be a sign somewhere. There has to be, right?
*Sapphire begins to walk through the fields of corn, hearing what seems to be some sort of vehicle. Following the noise she eventually stumbling upon a dirt road with a tractor. Yelling out to catch the driver's attention seems to work, as the man stops and cuts off the engine.*
>???: Hey there, where'd'ou'come from, missy?
>S: I, don't know. I just kinda... woke up in the corn field over there. Where am I?
>???: Tha's strange. You're in Corn Town, USA!
>S: Corn Town? How the hell did i end up here? I was in the middle of the WWA ring cutting a promo, then next thing i know I'm here. this doesn't make any sense!
>???: Wait, you're one o' them wrasslin' types my Daughter's always watchin' in th' TV?
>S: Yep! Well, moreso a manager than a performer.
>???: A manager? My daughter's got onnea those. Looks a lot 'ike you, cometa think about it.
>S: Wait, is your daughter Corn Girl?
>Pop Cornell: That's what my Courtney calls 'erself, yeah
>S: Well I'm that manager of hers. Nice to see the corn doesn't fall too far from the stalk.
>PC: That it don't. But Given your, er, reputation I hafta ask. What're your intentions for my Daughter?
>S: To see her become the best Corn themed wrestler in the world!
>PC: HA! She's the only corn themed wrestler in the world! Not that big'ova feat. She'll never make it big time, and she'll wind up back 'ere!
*She glares up at him*
>S: Give me a ride back into Spaghetti town, and I'll make sure you get front row tickets to be proven wrong!