Quoted By:
>Biggest Draw ever
>Designed the best selling T shirt of all time
>Came up with his own gimmick after WWF give him the ringmaster
>Face of the biggest wrestling boom the world will ever see
>Got divorced three times but kept all his money
>Took the belt of Shawn "record low ratings" Michaels and saved the company
>God tier mic worker
>Wrestled in the best match in Wrestlemania history
>Surpassed Hogan after being fired by WCW
>So good he managed to get Dude Love over
>So good he managed to get Rocky Malvia over
>So good he managed to get HHH over
>Made being bald cool
>Greatest WWF champion of all time
>Works the smarks
>Works the marks
>Works the anti-smarks
>Got the biggest pop at WM 32
>Headlined the greatest Wrestlemania in history
>Wrestled in the highest rated Raw segment in history
>Headlined the most bought summerslam ever
>Carried Invasion 2001 to 700k buys
>Had the balls to tell Vince to go fuck himself and took his ball home
>Vince begged him to come back months later
>One time he carried Brian Pillman to a world championship
>Worked Jeff Jarret
>Worked Billy Gunn
>Worked Road Dog
>Worked Debras skull
>Net worth is over $45 million
>Good friends with The Rock
>Good friends with Kevin Nash
>Exposed Dean Ambrose
>Exposed CM Punk
>Hosts his own network podcast and says what he wants without any fear
"Austin surpassed all of Hogan's records... in terms of merchandising and licensing, and pay-per-view and live events. Without question the most popular performer we've ever had." - Vince McMahon, Owner of WWE.