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Why doesn't WWE just do WCW as another brand instead of Smackdown? They own all the rights and shit to it as far as I know. The WWE product has genuinely gotten stale as fuck and they could use some rebranding as well as some crazy angles.
They could run WCW Nitro on Fridays, WWE RAW on Mondays etc. It makes more sense to have WWE feuding with WCW than RAW feuding with Smackdown, it would open up a lot more opportunities like InVasion 2.0, give actual meaning to the Survivor Series matches, bring back some WCW PPV names for shows that people actually watch and not shitty fucking NXT, they could even bring some WCW originals to do on screen work since they probably have a lot of them on payroll already anyway and so on.
>b-but WWE ECW sucked and InVasion sucked too!
ECW was developmental and was alright at times, also InVasion was decades ago and now they have the power of hindsight.