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It would be great a great redemption for him considering how his first try out went. His style will literally have to be rewritten and changed from the ground up i order to preserve his wracked 40 year old body to get the most out of it.
Would he be a benefit though? Absolutely. He would probably want to be involved or at least the mouthpiece to helping WWE games improve, he would get great matches out of everyone on the card, the Cleaner is a great gimmmick, the One Winged Angel is a great gimmick that lots of merchandise and tie-in can be made from, and truthfully? it would be really great to see him with the WWE Championship. Even the Intercontinental title would benefit from Omega. There's lots of money to be madfe, there's lots of great matches to be had. There's no shame in what he's doing though; if he's comfortable or happier in Japan as opposed to the tour schedule WWE has and does the whole Sting thing of being big in every company other than WWE, so bet it. You just know that it would be a real feather in his cap and help bridge WWE-NJPW relationship immensely. I support whatever decision he makes, but it would still be great to see.
What the Fed DOESN'T want or need is the fucking Bucks trailing behind him like Jannety Ed Leslies..