>>5077856I think in it's very core, the fundamental idea is "If the viewer sees something on TV that's similar to them, there will be a response." Whether that's same language, same mannerisms, or one of the biggest basics out there: skin color. It's supposed to give you some feeling of unity and resemblance.
The reality? I'm a black guy. Why THE FUCK would I give a shit about NIG-E if that shitter can't cut a fucking promo if his life depended on it? No, seriously, maybe he should be glad his neck got broken by that Irish jobber, because at least now he'll be able to farm some sympathy points with the audience.
Wrestling isn't the only media platform that is plagued by "muh representation"-bullshit. To me, that shit is just absolute nonsense. It can't get more shallow than "he black so I have to watch this." All of the media directors are missing out on a huge market for people like ME, that would rather have some form of escapism instead. Give me more weird TV shows. Weird settings, weird characters, weird plot twists, weird situations, bizzare adventures. Why do smarks think shit like King of Thrones was so popular? Why do they think Anime are so popular? Escapism.
It's not when you put a black guy in front of the camera lens, but when I can identify with and understand the struggles of a 45-year old globmonster called "Glarg" who has to do over-time to pay his family's expenses that I can resonate with your show, mark.