>>10185729>"Yeah it must be... interesting having her as a neighbour but this building is surprisingly nice. I've lived in some real hovels in my time but that company, HALCYON, they've really done good stuff here."Amy knocks on the wall checking for the more obvious signs of cheap workmanship but sure enough the wall is solid.
>"If you think your first day on the job was scary let me tell you about mine..."Amy recounts her first couple of weeks in WWA omitting names and other unnecessary details, the story is upbeat with her naivety and unpreparedness being the main thrust of the tale. When the story is over Amy takes a sip from the beer can.
>"I love wrestling. Always have. Whenever times were tough there was always the wrestling to watch. I loved the idea of being someone else, when you're a weird, lonely kid in England you kinda need something like that to get invested in and pull you through when things are... difficult."She feels a gloom descent upon the room and drags the subject back to where it began
>"I think I saw the May 1987 show from Petit Jean State Park on the shelf over there. I know the card off by heart but I've only ever seen a fifth-generation copy. Yours looks as good as new, I think it might be even be an original! It's probably worth a fortune but if you're game I'd absolutely love to watch it!"