>>12929672Ok, that white thing in the middle of her middle finger is packing. (see pic rel)
> it's like a shoelace made out of sterile cotton gauze> looks like they debrided the would, removing dead / necrotic tissue> I hope she keeps the packing covered (with a 2x2 dressing, moistened with a bit of ointment)> I've seen cases where a wound like this they'll pack the wound with packing> then leave about 1/2" hanging out> every couple of hours you pull a bit more out> the idea being the human body wants to close the wound> but you need to drain the goo / pus out of the wound> the packing material is like a wick> pull a bit of the packing out, trim off the 1/4" to 1/2"> cover with clean dressingIf she's walking around with the would open to the air (and all the shit she touches) she's an idiot, or getting bad advice.