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I have tabletop roleplaying games (I like old school rules D&D). I'm building my own campaign setting, and all the big NPC players in my world are based off wrestling personalities and gimmicks. All the wrestling who've ever had some kind of King gimmick (like Lawler, Barrett, Booker, Sheamus, etc) are all royalty in their own domains. I have the Undertaker as my Lawful Neutral God of Death and Funeral Rites. Kane is my Chaotic Evil Demon Prince of Destruction. Triple H is a famous 14th level fighter (max level of the ruleset I use, but some in my world can go higher - just extremely rare) who became ruler of his domain for being the greatest orc killer ever known. AJ Styles is a 9th level Paladin, Noble Knight of the Unconquered Sun. And then I have a bunch of low level retainers my players can hire who are based off NXT rookies.