Good heavens, what a contest! I’m sure the bond those three share will now be stronger than ever, even if only two of them can move to the Tag Team Tussle!
Up next, there is yet more fallout from the recent Clusterfork, wherein Red Hands won the WWA Hardcore Championship. Red Hands will be in action later on, but for now, let me see if I can do this accent properly...
“Yarr, mateys! Look alive and line the cannons to the portside, up next is none other than Riley Rumrunner, our favourite pirate powerhouse captain.” Rumrunner defeated Ratasha in the Clusterfork, but after some more back and forth arguing on Tweetstagram, these two are now set to settle their differences in International Waters. As a reminder, there are no countouts or disqualifications in this match up, falls will count anywhere, and there will be kendo sticks and tables a-plenty under the ring. I know I should be unbiased, but I love Riley, simple as.
Her opponent, however, has plans of her own to make an impression in the hardcore division. Ratasha was the first to be eliminated in the Clusterfork, but also the biggest upset en route to the match itself. I’m sure May Bea DeCeest will be ready for vengeance any time now, but first, Ratasha will be looking to make Riley walk the plank like the bilge rat she is! Hey wait a minute, ‘bilge rat’ versus ‘ring rat’. What a crazy coincidence!
But enough of that, because there is a match taking place right now!