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I worked as a assistant crew man on this show and can tell you guys right now the racist Brian Shaw memes arnt just memes. We had this korean kid temporarily working with us that Brian would constantly harras. He'd purposely bump into him knocking equipment and electronics down and always say
>Oh I'm sorry Chang, it won't happen again
One time that kid was on his cell phone and Brian straight up just smacked it out of his hands onto the ground and it shattered. Brian looked him straight in the eyes and told him
>Don't worry I'm sure one of your kids can build you a new one
Needless to say after constant harassment he had enough and threw a punch at Brian, but Brian being a mountain of muscle just picked the kid up and threw him against a wall. That wasn't even the worst of it, while in Minnesota everyone was eating at a local restaurant when a a couple who was a white woman and black male came in with their 3 kids. Brian dropped one of his steaks on ground and shouted
At the poor young woman and the entire restaurant went silent. Eddie immediately put his head in his hand. Robert rolled his eyes and said
>here we go again
Nick actually got up and patted Brian on the back to encourage him to do more. Brian grabbed a handful of food and started chucking it at the family. The black male grabbed his partner and kids and left the restaurant before things escalated further. Brian went on this huge rant about Minnesota being a white state that belongs to whites only and that woman who burn the coal should be hanged like the slaves they slept