>>8218560>The real question is what is preventing the shift now toward popularity, and my answer would be media politics.Wrong answer bro. The real problem is that the people at the top are fucking idiots. Vince lost his touch after the Attitude Era and spent the next 22 years slowly killing WWE via his own worsening incompetence. Tony and Paul are incompetent too and on top of that they're hardcore workrate marks who are completely out of touch with what people want to see. They can't scout talent properly, they can't utilize talent properly, they don't understand the critical importance of characters and story telling, and they can't create must-see television to save their lives. Rainbow propaganda certainly is fucking up everyone's good time but that isn't the reason why wrestling is in the toilet and frigidly unpopular. The real reason is that the people running the show have no fucking idea how to run the show.