I think a lot of the criticisms here boil down to Mayu. So let's look at Mayu, figure out why she might be here.
Picrel is Mayu's best matches. According to Cagematch, she has a large number of matches rated higher than a 9 by users of the site.
Rather than dismiss them, maybe the fair thing would be to watch some and decide whether those ratings are deserved.
Io Shirai vs Mayu Iwatani (Pt 1) 05.15.2016 (9.15)
https://www.tokyvideo.com/video/io-shirai-vs-mayu-iwatani-gold-may-2016Io Shirai vs Mayu Iwatani (Pt 2) 22.12.2016 (9.42)
https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7my7paIo Shirai vs Mayu Iwatani (Pt 3) 21.06.2017 (9.41)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A85LEsVyMXMKagetsu vs Mayu Iwatani (match starts at 1:16:18) 12.08.2018 (9.29)
https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjQ0ODQ3NTIwOA==.htmlMayu Iwatani vs. Takumi Iroha 08.02.2020 (9.28)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVnoV_z1C2MMayu Iwatani vs Sareee 27.04.2024 (9.23)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTFm_vDg8mcI'm not going to link to every match but these are quite good... maybe she is actually better than she is getting credit for here?