Quoted By:
>pushes underutilized talent like Ricochet and Ciampa
>pushes women who can actually wrestle like Shayna, Dakota, and Io, while burying shitters like Lacey, Aliyah, and Liv
>bring back the women’s tag titles as well as Sasha and Naomi
>cuts cringe, 80s outdated bullshit like the Male Models, Ezekial, Butch
>doesn’t push steroid guys like Madcap and Riddle just because they have LE MUSCLES
>brings back guys who have dimes potential like Kross Vince didn’t get because he’s a senile old man
>ushers in the return of the American Okada, Johnny GOATgano
>books actual wrestling matches and gives them time, multiple segments to build drama and wow the crowd instead of filling the show with cringe skits and dancing segments
>no 24/7 title bullshit
Have you thanked based Haitch for saving WWE?