>>10556308>[Ah, shit. This is what Sheila was trying to avoid.]“Well, I dunno, mate. That’s a question that you’ll never really know the answer to. Some people live to be a hunnid, others... well, don’t. You’ll lose ya head if you think about the ‘why’ too much.”
>[Sheila takes off her jacket and face mask, a bruise beginning to form. Sheila points to her cheek.]“I got kicked right in the face, mate. A cuppl’a toimes. And this bruise, well, it’s gonna get a lot worse before it gets better. But one day, just when I think this bruise is gonna be permanent, and I’m never gonna be the same -- it’ll get smaller. Eventually it’ll fade. Soon, people might not even remember what happen to cause it. But I’ll remember. Every time I look at me face, I’m gonna remember that bruise, and how it made me feel. But, we ain’t torking about bruises, I know.”
“You’re never gonna forget. Youse are sad now. Soon you’ll be mad. Then confused. Then you’ll do whatever you can to change things. Believe me, sweetie, I know the process. But there are people around ya that can help. Don’t be afraid ta arks for it. Ya just gotta... keep on hoppn’.”
>[Sheila’s not good at this. She attempts another wildly clumsy topic change.]“Ya little rice girl beat up Sapphy. That thick Shogo had a rough night in her tagger. I hear the big red one has been mumblin’ ya name as well, as she’s doing summin’ over in the forests. There’s plenty of people that want ya around, mate.”