Ryback insulted Vince McMahon’s late mother, earlier today, essentially dragging her in between his beef with WWE. Mr. McMahon’s mother passed away in January, but Ryback still called her a “whore.” This was not received well by fans and as a result Ryback is facing a massive backlash.
First Ryback refused to apologize for the nasty remarks he made against Vince’s mother. Then he tweeted again about how he will not back off. He has a grudge against WWE and its management but dragging the deceased mother of your former boss is a very scummy move. This has only further enraged fans.
It all started when he tweeted, “Vince McMahon like most promoters has an insatiable urge to have control. He had no control watching his mom get beat up as a child, which is a horrendous thing for a kid to witness, as their whore mom tries to make ends meet. Vince has failed to evolve. F*ck you old man.“
Since the aforementioned tweet many fans have taken to Twitter and started a new hash tag against Ryback. He has also lost thousands of followers on his Twitter account in process. More he rants at WWE more followers he loses on his account, statistics on social blade confirmed.
Now #F*ckRyback is trending in a big way on wrestling Twitter. It is such a commonly-used phrase that Twitter registered it as a top trend on their website.
That being said, it doesn’t seem like Ryback is stopping his ant-WWE campaign any time soon. He has ruined his reputation at his own hands which basically makes any potential promotion hesitant from signing him. Of course we are here to see just how long he continues this.