>>9646045>What makes a talent?>In ring work - and the 10 categories in that subcategory>out of ring work - and the 10 categories in that subcategory.>>Bryan is top 1 to 3 all time in the ring.>and he was more than adequate, and connected with the fans more genuinely than most anyone weve ever seen.>>Sami is top 10 in the ring ALL TIME.>extraordinary strength and athleticism for his size, outrageous long match calling, expertise in more styles than we can count, smooth as silk, top top mind for the business.>Sami is top 10 on the mic ALL TIME.>>Sami is debatably the number 1 talent in wrestling history, all attributes considered.>(taking into account that every generation is more skilled than the last)>>Cody, again, is an 86/100You can't be serious, right?