>>9266017>Hello many people in chairs.>Keron Croakie is name, and here to make a splash.>Croakie grow up in little pond, but now is looking to be in the big pond. What bigger pond is there other than the WWA?!She pauses and lets the crowd cheer on the company.
>During the Rumble, Croakie push four waifu out of ring. That was more than anyone else.>Croakie wishes to win but is proud of performance and hopes you all are proud of Croakie too.Croakie starts to beam as a some of the crowd starts cheering her.
>Well after the match Ash Romero come to Croakie and wants to fight.>Ash is nice girl so Croakie said yes!More cheers, a chant of "ASH" begins.
>Ash is strong, but Croakie not lose.>We will face each other soon, and you all better be watching because we are at the top of our game!Croakie climbs the top rope, jumps into the crowd and runs through them to the backstage.