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Tony Khan made mid carders the most important people on the roster and gave them EVP roles, without any of them having to prove themselves to an American audience beforehand.
This is the same as WWE pushing a talent down the audience's throat. If it's not a grassroots build the fans will always turn on it.
Furthermore it's not like Bischoff giving Hogan, Nash and Hall the keys to the city. It's more like if Bischoff gave the keys to Alex Wright, Raven, and the American Males.
Hate to break it to ya but for an American audience, none of those EVP guys are marketable main eventers.
Worst part about all of this is Khan just resigned all of them, giving them even more power and more money to boot. They're basically doing the Friends cast versus NBC when it comes to lining their pockets: To go into negotiations together or they walk together. Khan fucked up huge by doing this, and he really had no other alternative but to one day get rid of Punk. It's 4 v 1 in a talent decision, but money wise as well, meaning whatever Punk would've asked for in his everyday negotiations would never have set well with the EVPs.
Gotta get rid of Punk. And they did. And even the casual fan notices something is awry, so they'll continue to stay away from AEW's product, because, hell, at least they know who CM Punk is.
Also doesn't help that none of the EVPs can promo. They just let one of their best guys on the mic walk.
>tl;dr. - for US viewers, the EVPs are lacking IT