Quoted By:
>Oscar's ratings plummeting over years
>This year's Oscar is predicted to be lowest-rated ever
>No one is watching the Oscars, as predicted
>Will Smith is laughingstock of Hollywood because everyone knows he is cuck supreme, needs to restore his stature to continue being a viable star
>Chris Rock makes innocuous comment, far less offensive than anything Ricky Gervais has dropped
>Fellow black man (cuz imagine the implications if the violence had been interracial), who happens to be sitting in the first fucking row, takes a few steps onto the stage and throws a weak-ass worked slap at Rock, who keeps his hands behind his back the whole time. Zero angles emerge showing any contact.
>Word spreads like wildfire over social media, causing people to tune in
>Just as the news is exploding, Will Smith takes the stage to accept his award for best actor, during which he sheds some crocodile tears
>Marks, being marks, mark out.
>Kevin Nash, Trump, Mel Gibson, me, and other non-marks take a sip of wine and snicker mirthlessly.
>Bret calls Vince to ask whether this might kill the Screwjob Conspiracy Theory for good
>Michaels thinks it's real because his IQ is below 90
>Vince wonders how he can parlay this into a pro-am tag match at Mania: Dave Chappelle special guest referee.
>Smith & Reigns vs. Brock and Rock. In a swerve, Jada fucks Roman because he looks like the Aquaman guy
>Smith pedigrees Jada, then he and Rock execute a perfect Doomsday Device on Jada. Huge pop & fireworks.
Shit writes itself, brotha