>>9783276>Wouldja look at that. The champ’s got herself a couple a new pals. She’s really somethin’, ain’t she?You’ve got friends too.
>Do I? Zunigoth, Black Winter, even Kelly; they all came for you in their own way.
>Maybe You’re smiling.
>Nah, I’m just squinting. The sun’s in my eyes. I know how much you hate the sun *wink*
>Hey, we ain’t to far from the Divine mansion, are we? You have something in mind?
>Heh, let’s call it a team buildin’ exercise At the Divine mansion? Ya know Skelly’s right there.
>Yeah, but I don’t feel like pickin’ on her right now *giggle*
>What’s gotten into you, kid? The sun’s really bright today, huh