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It is a similar psychology to why many gay chuds in the West are obsessed with manga that has girls are lead characters, because they want to imagine living out their lives as the girl, even to such an extent they imagine they have a smol Nipponese pussy and high chirpy voice when they spend their wank time in small closets exploring their inner tranny. There are likely some of you in here right now, who secretly dress and color your hair like Tam Nakano, do her pose in their mirror, use slopish suffixes like muh waifu soandso-chan, and then get online to tweet contrived headcanon about if and how her whole career is a progressive story of company-wide changing events. But of course this site enables it because it pushes a familiarly similar culture that already existed long before they hopped aboard Stardom as it got popular in the West. This is also why most of them hate the Stardom coomers because they represent the minority what's left of a heterosexual approach towards watching joshi or any women's wrestling for that matter, and you can safely assume the coomers are going to be far more cool and less gay to you when interacting with them as opposed to the obsessed joshi watcher who is a latent tranny, and imagines he could surgically cut his dick & balls off and get in the ring with their idol Tam Nakano in order to act out his fantasies of being something like her. And this is the complexities of being a Stardom viewer, knowing, remembering, these kind of people are among you.