>>10187968After beating crowdsreactanon Brockini steps back into the ring but doubles over for some reason. He tries to stand up straight but immediately bends over once again but this time white flames come out of his mouth. The crowd is stunned as for the first time in the history of mankind there is recorded evidence of spontaneous combustion. Brockini tries to call for help but in the process engulfs the ring in flames. No medical staff could get to him in time. The flame grew hot and sweltering filling the arena with the scent of burnt flesh and a smoky reminder of the summer of 1992. Nobody could do anything or say anything. The crowd and the ring crew were stunned in amazement. After a few minutes the flames calmed down and in the still glowing ring were the ashes of Brockini and in the middle was the sole surviving part of his body. His puckered asshole. The End.