Quoted By:
>Not that I owe anyone any explanation, but I was never going to retire. That was just me lying to a bunch of gullible idiots. People believe that if they read something on the internet it has to be true. So all I had to say is make sure it landed on the internet, and everybody believed it, hook line and sinker.
>I should have done this in 2015, right from the get-go! I should have walked into New Japan Pro-Wrestling and punched Hiroshi Tanahashi right in the face.
>Happy birthday BULLET CLUB. Nine years. So almost to a decade. It’s time to shake things up in BULLET CLUB, and that’s exactly what Jay White has done. He got rid of dead weight and brought in new blood. That’s where I come in. I’m the booster for BULLET CLUB, and with me there, I see BULLET CLUB going right to the top of the wrestling world.
>don’t want to be Hiroshi Tanahashi. Who would? Who would want to give their body to NJPW and its fans? Tanahashi can hardly walk. It’s like the old question, how many licks to get to the center of the lollipop? Well how many High Fly Flows until a man’s knees turn to dust?
>Interviewer: There was high praise from the fans for Tanahashi’s match with Tomohiro Ishii at Dontaku.
>Juice: Everybody was talking ‘oh what a great match’. Do you know what I saw watching that? Two tired lions at the end of their careers. They’re out of time. And Tanahashi is an old insecure faded star looking for the adulation of the fans because he’s a broken human being. He’s going to be so tired in DC that he’ll barely have the strength to carry the belt out, and we’ll all smell the blood in the water and go for him.
>Interviewer: If you do become US Champion, it stands to reason that you would be a part of the AEWxNJPW Forbidden Door. What are your thoughts on that event?
>Juice: I don’t give a rat’s ass about AEW. Next question.